I just had a dream. or maybe a series of dreams...
Sequence #1
It starts out with a bunch of people over at my parents house,
apparently top watch movies or something all night. I know its all night because Shelley, the one organizing it told me about the pancake
breakfast after. I get irritated because I know that I would seriously dislike having people watch movies all night when I am trying to sleep before work the next day. My dad is in the kitchen and
there is a large brown snake with black spots curled up on the counter quite close to my dad's hand. People I recognize here are Shelley, Dad, Derrick, and
Sequence #2
I leave home and go to some sort of religious setting. Its a big room with an extremely high ceiling and it has a huge statue in the center of the room. The statue is all white, is egg/chalice shaped, and has several head busts attached to it that seem to float in mid air. There are people crawling around this massive statue with
their heads scrapping the ground. I think I see my mother doing this, but I am not sure. There are also people standing around the statue watching the people crawl around it. They are listening to a man saying something from a speaker somewhere. People I recognize here are Mom.
Sequence #3
The statue room creeps me out so I decide to go on vacation. I am doing some sort of winter sport on a
mountain and I go over a jump but I wipe out. Good thing there was a camera stationed right there to catch it. I get up and the landscape changes (much like seasons change). Its not a
mountain anymore but a
river of melting snow and water. I see my cousin Erica and possibly her parents on the other side of the
snow-melt river and tell them they are on the wrong side. I walk on and find a path. The path is alongside a clean looking lake at the base of a
mountain, the kind of scene people make postcards out of. In the lake is a women lying on an air
mattress. She has grey hair, but looks about 50. I toss a puzzled look (while she catches) and I walk on. Next to the lake is a tavern. I enter the tavern and it turns out to be part of a larger building, a hotel perhaps. Everything is made of wood and it feels like it's from a western. There are people everywhere, all dressed like western movies city folk, sitting, talking, moving about, a real busy place. At this point I think about something, but I can't
remember what. Then I sense that some people around me are becoming
suspicious of me for some reason. At this I pull out a gun ( a small WOODEN pistol) and start to find an exit. No one chases me but I get startled look wherever I run.
Eventually I find a bar at the other end of the building which has an exit. I now find myself outside in a city near the ocean. The women form the lake is sitting on the dock but is not startled to see me waving my wooden pistol around.
And That is when I woke up.