Even before I woke up this morning I suspected it would not be a pleasent Tuesday. At work it seem that something was bound to go wrong with whatever I was working on. Little annoying things like a bolt getting stripped or some obscure little bracket peice missing from a sealed package of components. These little things take longer than you think to resolveand yet the day still drags on at a snails pace. On top of that I have two different supervisors telling that I need to build two different peices of equipment at the same time. I'm working in a machine shop this summer that builds various types of farm equipment that are designed to be pulled by a tractor. Anyway, my two direct supervisors don't really talk to eachother and do not know what the other has planned for people to do, it happens alot.
Also I feel like my body is sore in half a dozen places and I have a n ugly festering wound on my toe. Don't worry, I've cleaned it up since I took that photo.
Let me think, what else is broken... not my heart, yet, but definately my social life. That is probably my biggest broken thing. I wonder alot why no one ever calls me up to chat or hangout on a weekday ( or even on weekends really...). It seems that its always in my hands to make first contact and I've never been comfortable with that. I wonder what normal people do on weekdays...
I guess that's all for now...
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