Monday, November 1, 2010

Movember 1st

The beard has come off and I am now sporting a moustashe for Movember.  I think I was supposed to start Movember on November 1st with a clean shaven face but I cheated and prepared my facial hair a wek in advance.  I think the style of moustashe I have is called a ‘box car’ which is straight above the lip and occupies the entire width between the nose and lip.  But I think I may extend it a bit more and make it a ‘major’ which is like a ‘box car’ but is wider than the upper lip.  I am excited to see how it will turn out.

As stated earlier, Movember is a fundraising campaign in support of men with prostate cancer.  The moustashe is billed as the ribbon that represents prostate cancer awareness.  Some stats: 1 in 6 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and in one year 4,400 men will die as a direct result of prostate cancer.  If you would like to help out you may help my moustashe grow into something meaningful by making a small donation here. 

Below is a picture of me with my new moustache riding on a city bus trying to take a picture of myself.  Enjoy and thank you very much.


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