Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 15: Niagara Falls, Ontario

along my way to Toronto I stopped off in Niagara Falls, Ontario to check out the famous waterfall.  It was a cloudy day which has been a bit unusual to me, I have had mostly great weather throughiut my trip so far :) 

The greyhound bus dropped me off in the ‘old’ downtown part of Niagara Falls.  Like the Falls themselves, downtown has moved further to the south over time.  The was a bus that shuttles people to the falls and to other attractions but I chose to walk to the falls so I could take pictures along the way.  On the way to the falls I could see the waterway and how it has carved its way down forming large cliff walls.  On the other side of the street there are many bed & breakfasts that take advantage of the scenery.


Down the road I arrived at the Rainbow Bridge which is a bridge between the Canadian and the American portion of the falls.  Both sections of the falls are very viewable from the Canadian side so that is where I stayed. 


The ‘American’ Fall is not as wide as the ‘Horseshoe’ Fall and not as famous; but it is part of the same water way.  From both falls, but especially from the Horseshoe Fall, there was plenty of mist rising from the water.  This mist obscured most of the falls and blended in with the cloudy sky.  But the mist gives the falls a great presence and atmosphere. 



Being right by the falls where the water falls over the edge was amazing and breathtaking.  It was very peaceful to me to see all of that water just going over the edge and seeing it flow like it does. 


Ok.  Next time I will report in from Toronto and my experience with the Toronto International Film Festival.  Maybe I will snap some pictures of someone famous!

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